
Healthy, 快乐的人, 繁荣的社区和经济, 和弹性, supportive ecosystems are intertwined and depend on each other for their continued existence. 这是网赌的十大网站可持续发展的核心.


Roger Williams University recognizes that the current and future well-being of its campus and all its inhabitants depends on sustainable interactions between healthy environmental and social systems. As such, the University is committed to the goal of promoting sustainability as a core principle that guides our decisions and actions on campus and in the larger community. The University’s Sustainability Committees will guide the implementation of projects and policies that advance cultures of ecological, social, economic and technological sustainability across all aspects of the campus and beyond. Such work reflects the University’s mission to interact with society in mutually rewarding ways through pursuit of responsible use and management of environmental resources that helps ensure their long-term sustainability.


可持续性研究 at RWU is for any student interested in helping make the world a better place.

如果你想帮助别人, 参与社区活动, 保护生物多样性, 那么你已经开始关注可持续发展研究了. 申报专业, minor or core concentration in 可持续性研究 will deepen your understanding of complex socio-economic-environmental systems and help you develop the skills needed to help improve them.

Working toward sustainability requires expertise from people from all backgrounds. 学习更多关于可持续发展的问题, 以及如何过上更可持续的生活, will help all of us as individuals and citizens save resources and money while we improve our personal happiness and well-being.



可持续发展的未来 是RWU的五大战略重点之一 战略行动计划

"We strive to develop sustainable futures through the responsible stewardship of our people and resources, 这样做的时候, cultivate an enduring institution and sustainable legacy for Roger Williams University"

- Excellence By Design: Roger Williams University 战略行动计划, 2021

RWU获得了STARS青铜评级 为了表彰我们在可持续发展方面取得的成就 Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) in 2023. 


你对如何使RWU更具可持续性有什么想法吗? 通过提交一份简短的预提案来分享你的想法 as a brief paragraph (up to 300 words) that describes 1) the general idea, 2)其对增强RWU可持续性的相关性和预期影响, 3)实施时间表草案, 4)如果已经知道, 财务方面的考虑,如估计成本和资金来源.


RWU提供可持续发展研究专业. 另外, students from all majors are invited to enroll in the SUST courses (101, 301, 401) and complete a core concentration and minor in 可持续性研究. 

